Monday 20 November 2017

Social Sciences.Unit 5. What was life like in the Chrisitian kingdoms? (2nd part)


In the 13th century, at the end of the Middle Ages, wars were not as frequent as before. As a consequence, population of the Christian Kingdoms grew and cities developed. This led to a new type of society in which trade (commerce) became an important activity. For this reason a new social class appeared: the bourgeoisie (burguesía) or middle class.

Medieval cities were surrounded by walls for their protection.

The market was the centre of the city's economic activity. Artisans and merchants doing the same kind of work formed groups called guilds (gremios). For example: the baker's guild, the carpenter's guild, painter's guild etc. Each guild had its own street and controlled the quality and price of their products. 

In Madrid you can find a very famous street next to the Plaza Mayor which belonged to a guild: La Calle de Cuchilleros.

Cities had cathedrals. They were a symbol of prosperity. One example is the Burgos Cathedral


1. Why did middle class appear at the end of the Middle Ages?
2. What were guilds? Why were they important? 
3. Why did cities have cathedrals? 

4. Write true or false. If it is false, write the right sentence.

4.1. In the 13th century, wars were very frequent. 
4.2. In the 13th century, population of the Christian kingdoms grew and cities didn't develop.
4.3. In the 13th century, a new social class appeared, the peasants.
4.4. Guilds controlled colour and size of their products.

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