Friday, 21 November 2014

Homenaje a Esc

Ayer jueves, 20 de noviembre, se cortó un árbol del patio del colegio por motivos de seguridad.
Marta M. R., de 6ºB, le dedicó estas emotivas palabras.

Estamos aquí reunidos para despedir en un triste funeral a un árbol. No os preocupéis porque soy consciente de lo que acabo de decir. Ahora ese árbol no sufrirá más.

Yo lo llamé "Esc" que significa "buen escondite" y "buen árbol para escalar". "Esc" era todas esas cosas. Es una gran pérdida. Ahora cuando estemos jugando al escondite tendremos que correr más para llegar a otro árbol y tendremos que ser más cuidadosos. Ya no podremos teprar a este árbol.

Si queréis llorar no os cortéis. Ahora pondré estas flores en este tronco solitario.

Ha costado mucho cortar este árbol. Se nota que era fuerte y tenía valor. "Esc" podría haber caído en las pistas, pero él sabía que son nuevas y que nos encantan. 

Decimos adiós a un árbol que creo que ha estado aquí toda la vida del colegio. 

Siempre te recordaremos.

The miracle of life - Unit 5

Do more activities about the reproductive system, clicking here.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Neil Harbisson, the first cyborg.

Neil Harbisson is the son of a Catalan mother and an Irish father. He was born with achromatopsia, a condition that allowed him to see in grayscale. He grew up in Mataró in Catalonia, Spain, where he studied music and art.

He is a contemporary artist and cyborg activist best known for creating the first cyborg antenna and for being the first person in the world to have an antenna implanted in his skull. The antenna allows him to perceive visible colours such as infrareds and ultraviolets via sound waves as well as receive images, videos, music or phone calls directly into his head via external devices such as mobile phones or satelites.

In 2004, he was officially recognized as a cyborg by a government.

Since 2004, he has been described by international media as the world's first cyborg or the world's first cyborg artist, for expressing himself artistically through a new sense created by the permanent union between cybernetics and his brain. In 2010, he founded the Cyborg Foundation, an international organisation that helps humans become cyborgs and promotes cyborgism as an art movement. 

Taken form Wikipedia.

Optical Illusions

Nerves and senses - Unit 4

More activities about the nervous system and your brain, clicking here.

How do we see?
 Iris and pupil

Muscles - Unit 3